Friday, April 6, 2012

Tidbits of Health |

I am officially on VAAAAAAY-cation! And it feels gooood. I was starting to think I would never make it to this break?okay so that?s a little dramatic. But seriously this past week has felt like months! I?m not going anywhere for spring break, but honestly it?ll just feel good to have some time off! Plus I cannot wait to have some free time to experiment in the kitchen! Its been forever since I?ve been able to get my recipe makin? pants on!

Today while I was working hard and paying attention in my classes reading my latest copy of Health magazine?I came across some little blurbs that I thought would be fun to share with you all! Magazines always have random info?but its usually pretty interesting!


[roasted walnuts just taste better anyways!!]


[don?t peel your veggies!!!]


[are you aware of air quality readings in your area?]





[yummy snacks that boost energy and wake you up!]

In addition to that I also wanted to jump on the WEGO Health Activist month writing challenge! I know I?m a little late but the whole event looked so fun and I have really been enjoying reading other blogger?s responses to the prompts each day. The point is to blog everyday of the month, but I don?t think I can really commit to that (especially with exams coming up! yikes!!!)?so what I thought I?d do is just pick a few random prompts to participate in sporadically throughout the month! Plus the prompts make for great inspiration when writers block hits. Winking smile

So here are a few of the prompts from the past few days:

Health Time Capsule. Pretend you?re making a time capsule of you & your health focus that won?t be opened until 2112. What?s in it? What would people think of it when they found it?

I would definitely include some of my favorite workout gear, fitness dvd?s, clippings from my favorite fitness/health mags, and other sort of obvious stuff that could give people some insight into how I stay physically fit and healthy. But delving a little deeper than that, I would also include items that help me maintain my mental health as well?.possibly my favorite music, a great smelling candle, my yoga mat (!), bags of my favorite tea, my sound machine, knitting needles, and a notebook filled with my go to recipes (cause we all know cooking is good for the soul Smile).

Quotation Inspiration. Find a quote that inspires you (either positively or negatively).

I literally find new quotes everyday that inspire me?one that I am loving right now is?

[The mind is such a powerful entity. The more positive and optimistic we are, the more we believe in ourselves and our capabilities, and the more open minded we remain?the better people we will be.]

Another thing I love about this quote is how timeless it is. Its amazing how something said thousands of years ago can still be so pertinent and applicable to our lives today. Buddha is hip with the times people! Winking smile

Superpower Day. If you had a superpower ? what would it be? How would you use it?

Okay, I know this is probably supposed to be health related so instead of going with the usual invisibility or the ability to fly (both of which would be AWESOME), I will go with the ability to NEVER fatigue during a workout! How cool would that be?! I mean working out feels great as it is, but can you imagine being able to get all the endorphins without all the pain!? You could have such amazing runs! Just enjoying the scenery and the sites without any messages from your legs telling you to stop. Niiiiiice.

I write about my health because? Reflect on why you write about your health.

This one?s easy. Because its my passion. I have always incorporated? health and fitness into my life, but not until I started writing about it and connecting with other like minded people, did it really occur to me that it?s one of my greatest passions. I just get so invigorated discussing health related issues and I love that I have been able to find a community of people who share my ideals and values. I write for all of you, I write for myself, and I write with the hopes of sharing my passions with the world in some small way.

Are you taking part in WEGO Health Activist month?!

And now to end this monster of a post?a few pics from the afternoon walk I took with my mom!

It is beautiful out today!







Chins up folks?the weekend is upon us!!


PS-Keep coming with the protein powder recipes! I can?t wait to do some experimenting!


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