Monday, April 9, 2012

Oscillations of the cesium atom - Holistic Health - Medicine Blog ...

Having a relatively unscheduled day is a rare occurrence in my life.

Truth be told, it?s probably rare for most people these days.

So, when I happened to have one last week, it felt positively luxurious! Moving through the hours, doing things I enjoyed doing at a pace that seemed effortless, there was a lack of ?time consciousness?.? It was also a bit of a paradox ? the feeling that time stretched endlessly, and yet at the end of the day, wondering where all those hours had gone.

Time is a tough task-master, full of ?shoulds? and ?must-dos? and deadlines.? There seldom seems to be enough, and our language reflects the how we value it.? Like money, time is viewed as something we save, or spend, or waste, fritter away, or invest.

I?m a little suspect too that always being ?too busy? is kind of a badge of honor in a world where having more, doing more is the name of the game.? Achievement is often measured on a quantitative balance sheet.? It?s easy to get drawn into the habit of trying to multi-task so that we can accomplish more in the time allowed.? I know, I have a tendency to slip into this activity frenzy easily, and forget that in doing so, nothing, not even things I love doing, get their rightful share of attention.

Our experience of time is not as simple as the 9,192,631,770 oscillations of the ?undisturbed? cesium atom that tick off the scientific measurement of one second.? Time, as Einstein said, is a relative thing, and we live in a relationship with time our entire life.

Recently, I?ve been reading a book called ?Creating Time: Using Creativity to Reinvent the Clock and Reclaim Your Life? (New World Library, 2012) by Marney K. Makridakis.? It?s an easy book to spend time with.

Ms. Makridakis is the founder of, an on-line community for artists, writers, and other creative types. She also trains others through ARTbundance Certification, to provide guidance in how to integrate creativity into the fields of self-improvement, business, public speaking, and the virtual world of online communities.

?Creating Time? is visually beautiful.? It?s pages are filled with full-color examples of the paintings and collages created by the author, and the many students in her ARTbundance Trainings.? There are side-bars with poems and stories to highlight content from the main text.? It?s hard not to be inspired. It truly feels like an invitation to take a fresh look at how I?m managing my days.

The author is very clear about one thing:? ?Creating Time? is NOT a time management book.? She writes:? ?..the latest time-tracking and productivity aids, can certainly be of help to us on the practical level, but they are limited in their long-term effectiveness, since the true nature of time extends beyond the chronological hours displayed in our calendars, wristwatches, and smart phones. ? She adds: ?So, while the book is definitely filled with practical, hands-on tips for creating more time in your day, it?s also about finding a new way to experience time in its entirety, your full time on this earth..shifting focus away from how we spend time to instead reveling in what we receive from our time.?

Think you?re too busy to sit down and tackle the book cover-to-cover?? The author suggests you start with Chapter 14 ? ?Time Design in Everyday Life?, which focuses on helping the reader identify their primary time challenges, and thus serve as a starting point for positive change.

So, there you have it, ?Creating Time?: useful, fun, and very, very easy on the eyes.? Just one important point here:?? to really use the book to it?s best advantage, there are creative projects connected with each section.? Which leads me to a single caveat: my belief is that it?s primary appeal will be to female audiences.? Although I?m not a fan of blanket statements, most of the men I know (and I do know some fairly sensitive types) will more inclined to sign up for a season pass to the ballet than to undertake the ARTsignments suggested.? ?nuf said.

For the rest of us, check out ?Creating Time? in your local bookstore, or on Facebook: You?ll be glad you took the time?..

Peace ? Judi England, RN, LMT, Kripalu Yoga Instructor ? ? 4/9/2012

PS ? Here?s a questions for readers of Holistic Health: ? What is the most significant obstacle you face in finding time to do the things you love??


1) Yoga for All-Levels ? Taught by Judi England, RN, LMT ? Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm ? St. Peter?s PT and Fitness, 1240 New Scotland Road, Slingerlands, NY ? $69 for six-weeks beginning Thursday April 12th, 2012. To register: 475-1818

2) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction -Led by? Karen Beetle. 8-week program begins? April 15th, 2012. Sundays, 7-9pm ? The Yoga Loft, Albany, New York . $375 for 8 week session ? Scholarship funds are available on request.? Contact Karen at 518-424-7516 or

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