Monday, October 8, 2012

Avoid High Blood Pressure | Healthier Post | Your Guide to ...

Avoid High Blood Pressure

Posted by Russell Murrieta on Monday, October 8, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

s0230 25ic 289x300 Avoid High Blood PressureHigh blood pressure? is one of the main causes of cardiac disorders, which has actually become the #1 killer in the U.S. in the last few years. That means more people die of heart attacks, strokes, and other heart problems than car crashes, shootings, and other causes of death. That is a pretty sobering thing, as it means that the country is getting to the point where people are weighing more than they should, eating more fat than they should, and letting their blood pressure get out of control. If you want to avoid becoming just another statistic, here are some things that you can do to control your blood pressure:

  1. Lose Weight ? Nine times out of ten, those with high blood pressure are those that are a bit on the hefty side ? not to mention the very overweight and obese. The truth is that the excess fat on the outside of your body shows that you probably have a lot more stocked up on the inside, which means that you are much more likely to develop heart problems. Clogged arteries make it a lot harder for your body to pump blood, and the cholesterol and fat that clog the arteries are a symptom of being overweight. If you want to keep your blood pressure under control, lose weight.
  2. Cut back on sodium and salt ? Most of us tend to automatically reach for the salt when we?re eating, as putting salt on our food is something that we think will bring out the natural flavor. The truth is that most meals don?t need salt, and salt is actually going to make the potential for heart problems even greater. Sodium is contained in salt, and it will cause your blood pressure to rise thanks to the fact that it causes your body to store water. It?s best to limit the amount of sodium and salt that you eat, which means watching out for foods that come with lots of sodium as well as limiting the salt you sprinkle on your food. Always try to eat fresh foods rather than canned, dried, or frozen ones, and use spices, herbs, and sodium-free sauces and flavorings to make your food delicious.
  3. Eat Heart Smart Meals ? A heart smart meal has three critical elements. First, it is high in fiber and healthy nutrients. Second, it is low in saturated fat, trans fats, and cholesterol. Third, it is low in sodium and salt. Fiber is a nutrient that you can get from whole grains, fruit, veggies, and nuts, so you should eat a lot more of these foods. Fats can be avoided by eating lean proteins, and the same goes for cholesterol. Eat as much fish, lentils, beans, turkey, and chicken breast as possible, and save the steaks for special occasions.
  4. Cut back on alcohol consumption ? Everyone loves to enjoy a drink now and again, but some of us drink more than others. Did you know that alcohol will actually cause your blood pressure to rise, which can be a serious problem if you?re already suffering from hypertension? The interesting thing to note is that it?s just when you drink too much alcohol that this is a potential problem, as a glass of wine every day will actually strengthen your heart, get rid of cholesterol, and lower your blood pressure. Keep your daily alcohol intake limited, and avoid drinking too much on any occasions.
  5. Quit Smoking ? Smoking is one of the worst things that you can do for your health, period. Not only will it cause cholesterol to form on the walls of your arteries, but it will also weaken the walls of these blood vessels. When it causes your high blood pressure to rise ? which it does ? you will find that the blood will place too much strain on the walls of your arteries ? which can lead to cracks and bleeds. You will find that you will greatly increase your risk of all kinds of heart diseases by smoking, so it?s a good idea to cut back on any smoking that you do. If you want to keep your blood pressure under control, it?s time to quit smoking ? don?t forget to avoid second hand smoke as well!
  6. Get Fit ? Fitness is something that comes with a lot of hard work, but the rewards of being fit are truly amazing. Not only will building muscles help to burn off the fat on the outside of your body, but it will also leave the inside clean and scoured of much of the fat as well. This means that the fat that was clogging up your arteries and making your heart work harder is going to be gone, as you will have burned it off during your fitness training. It?s going to be a challenge, but getting fit is one of the best things that you can do to get your blood pressure back down to healthy levels.
  7. Check with your doctor ? High blood pressure is something that you won?t usually notice, at least not until it gets very high. You will usually only find that your high blood pressure will be a problem when it gets out of control, but by then you?re already at a risk of much more serious problems. You would do well to get your blood pressure checked regularly, as that will be the best way to ensure that you know just where it?s at. It?s recommended that you get checked out at least once every two years once you reach the age of 21, though checking it more common is recommended for those that have a history of heart disorders. Also, make sure to follow the doctor?s instructions if he or she tells you that you need to lose weight, eat healthier, or take medication. They know what they?re talking about, so you need to be sure that you do what they say in order to avoid more serious problems.


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