Sunday, May 27, 2012

GOP Texas primary fight: Desperate Dewhurst slimes conservative challenger Ted Cruz

I told you about conservative GOP Senate candidate Ted Cruz in my Tea Party revolt endorsements column in February. His momentum has increased exponentially in the lead-up to next Tuesday?s primary election. Naturally, the establishment candidate David Dewhurst has taken to sliming Cruz and falsely characterizing his immigration enforcement record.

Twitchy has the story here.

Ben Howe delivers a powerful counterpunch against Desperate Dewhurst?s amnesty lies:

I?ll repeat what I said in February:

In Texas, young attorney Ted Cruz is making waves in the GOP race to replace retiring GOP Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. The former Texas solicitor general is a 10th Amendment scholar who doesn?t just speak the tea party?s language. Cruz has put constitutional conservatism into action, winning many of the 40 cases he has argued in front of the Supreme Court. Cruz isn?t afraid to challenge the GOP establishment. In 2008, he successfully battled the Bush administration and meddling globalists all the way to the high court to prevent international law from superseding American sovereignty.

The GOP needs just four seats to take control of the Senate. With inspired and inspiring free-market candidates like Dan Liljenquist, Richard Mourdock and Ted Cruz, 2012 bodes well for the tea party footprint on Capitol Hill. Remember: Entrenched incumbency is the disease. Fresh blood is the cure.

Spread the word. Ted Cruz?s campaign website is here. Help any way you can.

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