Thursday, March 29, 2012

Relationships Lost ? Poly in Love

Sometimes, no matter how much you wish a relationship could work, it just doesn?t? no matter how much you like someone. Sometimes two people just want different things.

This is basically the realization my partner and I came to last night.?It was our second attempt at trying to make?this relationship?work and it just doesn?t. I value our friendship, but we want very different things out of a relationship and that?s ok, at least we were able to recognize it and talk about it honestly. My hope is that we can still remain friends, but I had to take away the romantic/sexual elements. I couldn?t see us being able to stay?friends if things continued on as usual between us.

My relationship with this partner wasn?t a ?failure? as far as I?m concerned. For the most part I think we were pretty happy together but it?s really never been anything other than a casual friendship with benefits for either of us. The bottom line is that I would have liked there to have been more but?the romantic connection wasn?t?there.

I know there are going to be people thinking ?does it have to be there?? Well, yes, on some level. At least for me. I?ve never really been good at casual relationships. Whatever relationships are, they are never ?casual.? I develop very deep bonds with my partners and it hurts when they don?t feel the same but you?can?t force a connection. I would rather have the friendship in tact and lose the romantic aspects than continue the romantic part of the?relationship, continue to feel let down, and then wind up losing the friendship in the end.

~ polyinlove

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