Thursday, May 23, 2013

Footwear's (carbon) footprint: bulk of shoes' carbon footprint comes from manufacturing processes

May 22, 2013 ? A typical pair of running shoes generates 30 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, equivalent to keeping a 100-watt light bulb on for one week, according to a new MIT-led lifecycle assessment.

But what's surprising to researchers isn't the size of a shoe's carbon footprint, but where the majority of that footprint comes from.

The researchers found that more than two-thirds of a running shoe's carbon impact can come from manufacturing processes, with a smaller percentage arising from acquiring or extracting raw materials. This breakdown is expected for more complex products such as electronics, where the energy that goes into manufacturing fine, integrated circuits can outweigh the energy expended in processing raw materials. But for "less-advanced" products -- particularly those that don't require electronic components -- the opposite is often the case.

So why does a pair of sneakers, which may seem like a relatively simple product, emit so much more carbon dioxide in its manufacturing phase?

A team led by Randolph Kirchain, principal research scientist in MIT's Materials Systems Laboratory, and research scientist Elsa Olivetti broke down the various steps involved in both materials extraction and manufacturing of one pair of running shoes to identify hotspots of greenhouse-gas emissions. The group found that much of the carbon impact came from powering manufacturing plants: A significant portion of the world's shoe manufacturers are located in China, where coal is the dominant source of electricity. Coal is also typically used to generate steam or run other processes in the plant itself.

A typical pair of running shoes comprises 65 discrete parts requiring more than 360 processing steps to assemble, from sewing and cutting to injection molding, foaming and heating. Olivetti, Kirchain and their colleagues found that for these small, light components such processes are energy-intensive -- and therefore, carbon-intensive -- compared with the energy that goes into making shoe materials, such as polyester and polyurethane.

The group's results, Kirchain says, will help shoe designers identify ways to improve designs and reduce shoes' carbon footprint. He adds that the findings may also help industries assess the carbon impact of similar consumer products more efficiently.

"Understanding environmental footprint is resource intensive. The key is, you need to put your analytical effort into the areas that matter," Kirchain says. "In general, we found that if you have a product that has a relatively high number of parts and process steps, and that is relatively light [weight], then you want to make sure you don't overlook manufacturing."

Kirchain and his colleagues have published their results in the Journal of Cleaner Production.

The sum of a shoe's parts

In 2010, nearly 25 billion shoes were purchased around the world, the majority of them manufactured in China and other developing countries. As Kirchain and his co-authors write in their paper, "An industry of that scale and geographic footprint has come under great pressure regarding its social and environmental impact."

In response, companies have started to take account of their products' greenhouse-gas contributions, in part by measuring the amount of carbon dioxide associated with every process throughout a product's lifecycle. One such company, ASICS, an athletic equipment company based in Japan, approached Kirchain to perform a lifecycle assessment for a running shoe manufactured in China.

The team took a "cradle-to-grave" approach, breaking down every possible greenhouse gas-emitting step: from the point at which the shoes' raw materials are extracted to the shoes' demise, whether burned, landfilled or recycled.

The researchers divided the shoes' lifecycle into five major stages: materials, manufacturing, usage, transportation and end-of-life. These last three stages, they found, contributed very little to the product's carbon footprint. For example, running shoes, unlike electronics, require very little energy to use, aside from the energy needed to infrequently wash the shoes.

The bulk of emissions, they found, came from manufacturing. While part of the manufacturing footprint is attributable to a facility's energy source, other emissions came from processes such as foaming and injection molding of parts of a sneaker's sole, which expend large amounts of energy in the manufacture of small, lightweight parts. As Kirchain explains it, "You have a lot of effort going into the molding of the material, but you're only getting a very small part out of that process."

"What stood out was this manufacturing burden being on par with materials, which we hadn't seen in similar products," Olivetti adds. "Part of that is because it's a synthetic product. If we were looking at a leather shoe, it would be much more materials-driven because of the carbon intensity of leather production."

An improved design

In tallying the carbon emissions from every part of a running shoe's lifecycle, the researchers were also able to spot places where reductions might be made. For example, they observed that manufacturing facilities tend to throw out unused material. Instead, Kirchain and his colleagues suggest recycling these scraps, as well as combining certain parts of the shoe to eliminate cutting and welding steps. Printing certain features onto a shoe, instead of affixing them as separate fabrics, would also streamline the assembly process.

Kirchain and Olivetti view their results as a guide for companies looking to evaluate the impact of similar products.

"When people are trying for streamlined approaches to [lifecycle assessments], often they put emphasis on the materials impact, which makes a lot of sense," Olivetti says. "But we tried to identify a set of characteristics that would point you to making sure you were also looking at the manufacturing side -- when it matters."


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CSN: McClouth's walk-off in 10th snaps O's skid

BALTIMORE ? For the last week, Jim Johnson?s locker has been the most popular stopping point in the Orioles clubhouse. Three times he stood there and explained what went wrong.

Never made any excuses, never any whining.

On Tuesday, his space was a happier place. After blowing three straight saves, Johnson picked up a win after pitching a flawless 10th inning. After Nate McLouth?s game-winning home run, Johnson could breathe a lot more easily.

The Orioles had lost six straight, and their 3-2 win over the New York Yankees in 10 innings before 29,040 at Oriole Park made for a lot of happy people.

?I?m glad the fans are worried because they care,? McLouth said.

?It?s our job to come out that night and play that game and not let the previous day ? or two or three or six ? affect what we do tonight.?

Perhaps bigger news was made after the game when an industry source confirmed a report that last year?s No. 1 draft choice Kevin Gausman was expected to make his major league debut with the Orioles in Toronto on Thursday.

Manager Buck Showalter said he had no problem with Johnson saving the game. ?Watch it again,? he said on Monday night. There was no game to save.

After Miguel Gonzalez?s excellent seven innings, Tommy Hunter came on to relieve him, and as the game headed to the ninth, Johnson was warming up in the bullpen.

When the game remained tied at 2, Hunter came out to pitch the ninth and Johnson (2-4) watched.

He pitched the top of the 10th and quickly retired the Yankees in order.

McLouth hit his fourth home run of the year off Vidal Nuno (1-1) and the Orioles (24-21) had the win.

?There were a lot more good positive things than a guy that pitched in the 10th inning tonight,? Johnson said.

?It?s been tough, but when I go home at night, it stays here. When I come to the field, I try to work just like I?ve done many years since I?ve been up here. I?ll continue to do that.?

The left-handed hitting McLouth had a game-winning home run off a left-hander. Chris Dickerson had the first two home run game of his career, and Gonzalez pitched valiantly.

Gonzalez hadn?t pitched since May 3 because of a blister on his right thumb, and he did a fine job.

Brett Gardner led off the game with a double, and Travis Hafner?s two-out single drove him in for a 1-0 New York (28-17) lead.

Dickerson?s second home run of the year tied the score in the bottom of the third. With two outs, Manny Machado and Nick Markakis singled off Phil Hughes, but didn?t score as Adam Jones flied deep to right field.

Vernon Wells led off the fourth with a double. Hafner scored him on a single, and New York led 2-1. It was Hafner?s fourth straight at-bat with a home run.

Dickerson led off the fifth with a long homer to right field, his third and the Orioles? first multi-home run game of the season.

It was the Orioles? first win in nine days.

?You know what it hasn?t been that difficult,? Dickerson said.

?This team never gets too down, never gets crushed, you know, it never feels the weight of the pressure.?


Gonzalez pitched seven innings. It?s just the fourth time an Orioles pitcher has gone that far this season. He allowed two runs on five hits and struck out five.

?I think that rest helped me out a little bit,? Gonzalez said. ?The thumb was fine. I didn't have a problem with it. I was confident with all my pitches."

Hughes also allowed two runs on five hits. He pitched six innings, walked two and struck out five.

Showalter was happy with the win, and admitted that the losing affects him.

?It's frustrating. It eats at you. It bothers you because you know there's a lot of people counting on you to make an enjoyable summer. It wasn't a whole lot of fun riding home and seeing all the Orioles shirts down the streets going home at night and knowing they had planned their time around our game. That bothers me,? Showalter said.

NOTES: McLouth had a game-winning home run on Apr. 20, 2010 when he was playing for Atlanta against Philadelphia?s Jose Contreras.

-In his second rehab start, Tsuyoshi Wada pitched four-plus innings, allowing two runs on six hits against Durham. He walked two, struck out one and hit a batter.

-The Yankees became the last major league team to lose a game after scoring first. They?re now 19-1 when that happens.

-Jason Hammel (5-2, 5.72) works against New York?s Hiroki Kuroda (6-2, 1.99) in the finale of the homestand.



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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Polish man gets quick face transplant after injury

(AP) ? A 33-year-old Polish man received a face transplant just three weeks after being disfigured in a workplace accident, in what his doctors said Wednesday is the fastest time frame to date for such an operation. It was Poland's first face transplant.

Face transplants are extraordinarily complicated and relatively rare procedures that usually require extensive preparation, typically months or years. But medical officials said the Polish patient's condition was deteriorating so rapidly that a transplant was seen as the only option. The patient is now being watched for any potential infections.

The patient worked at stonemason's workshop near the southwestern city of Wroclaw where on April 23 a machine used to cut stone tore off most of his face and crushed his upper jaw.

The man, identified only as Grzegorz, received intensive treatment at a hospital in Wroclaw, but an attempt to reattach his own face failed, leaving an area close to the brain exposed to infections, doctors said. The damage was too extensive for doctors to temporarily seal the exposed areas.

So he was taken to the Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology in Gliwice, which is the only place in Poland licensed to perform face transplants. The center has experience in facial reconstruction for patients disfigured by cancer and its experts have practiced face transplants on cadavers.

Doctors at the center said the 27-hour face and bone transplant was performed May 15 soon after a matching donor was found.

The surgery reconstructed the area around the eyes, the nose, jaws and palate and other parts of the man's face. Pictures show surgery stitches running from above the patient's right eye, under the left eye and around the face to the neck.

The donor, a 34-year-old man, was chosen from a national registry of potential donors after his age, gender, blood group and body features were determined to be a good match for the injured man.

The head of the team of surgeons and other specialists, Dr. Adam Maciejewski, said the operation was the world's first life-saving face transplant carried out so soon after the damage. Face transplants are usually a last resort after conventional reconstructive and plastic surgeries have been tried.

"In such an extensive injury, where the structures close to the skull base and in contact with the brain area are exposed, any infection would be dangerous, not to mention the impossibility to function normally including problems with breathing, with eating," Maciejewski said. "All that led us in one direction."

"We assume the surgery will allow the patient to return to normal life. He will be able to breathe, to eat, to see."

The patient is now breathing on his own and responds to questions by nodding his head or squeezing the hands of doctors. But his condition is serious and it will be months before the doctors can describe the procedure as a full success, said Dr. Krzysztof Olejnik, head of the team of anesthesiologists.

Another member of the transplant team, surgeon Dr. Michal Grajek, told The Associated Press that the patient is receiving drugs to ward off any potential viral, bacterial or skin infections.

Though he is in sterile isolation, the patient has started the rehabilitation process. He will stay on special drugs for the rest of his life to prevent rejection of his new face.

A picture of the patient taken Tuesday, six days after the surgery, showed him giving a thumbs-up sign from his hospital bed. Another picture, based on computer tomography, shows the extensive damage to his skull.

More than two dozen transplants of the face or parts of the face have been performed around the world. The first one was a partial face transplant in a woman maimed by her dog in France in 2005.

Associated Press


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Lawyer: No background check done on Jackson doctor

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? AEG Live LLC did not conduct any background checks or supervise the doctor who was later convicted of killing Michael Jackson, a corporate attorney testified Tuesday in a lawsuit claiming the concert promoter was negligent in hiring the physician.

AEG Live General Counsel Shawn Trell told jurors that no legal or financial checks were done involving Conrad Murray or anyone else who worked as an independent contractor on the "This Is It" shows.

Jackson's mother Katherine is suing AEG claiming it failed to properly investigate Murray, who was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's tour physician in 2009 for $150,000 a month.

Trell said he thought a background check would be appropriate for people working in financial roles, but not tour personnel who weren't employees of AEG.

Murray's employment status is a central issue in the case. Katherine Jackson's lawyers contend he was hired by AEG, but the company denies it hired him and notes the singer died before signing the doctor's contract.

Trell also acknowledged while testifying that numerous people in the company knew of concerns that Jackson's health was declining.

Five days before Jackson died, AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips alerted the promoter's parent company that Jackson had missed a rehearsal and didn't appear to be ready for his comeback concerts.

"We have a real problem here," Phillips wrote in the message to the CEO of Anschutz Entertainment Group.

Trell agreed with a statement by plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish that company executives knew by then there was a "deep issue" with Jackson.

Trell also said he continued discussions with an insurance broker about additional coverage to recoup AEG Live's investment if the tour had to be canceled.

Hours after Phillips sent the warning email, attorney John Branca, who later became co-executor of Jackson's estate, offered to enlist a spiritual and substance abuse specialist to help Jackson, according to an email shown in court.

On that same day, Phillips and others met with Jackson and Murray at the singer's home.

Hours later, Phillips sent an email to tour director Kenny Ortega telling him not to worry. Ortega had expressed grave concerns about Jackson.

"This doctor is extremely successful ? we check everyone out ? and he does not need this gig so he (is) totally unbiased and ethical," Phillips wrote.

Panish called Phillips' statement "a flat out lie" and asked Trell whether he agreed with it or if it signified how AEG did business. Trell said he didn't know what Phillips thought he knew when he wrote the message.

"I know this statement is not accurate, but you'd have to speak with Mr. Phillips about what he thought or meant in saying it," Trell said.

Phillips is listed as a potential witness in the case, and Trell said he expects him to testify later in the trial.

Outside court, AEG's attorney Marvin S. Putnam declined comment on the email or Panish's characterization of it.

Trell also said on Tuesday that no one at AEG supervised or monitored Murray, who was convicted in 2011 of administering a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson.

Trell is considered the most knowledgeable person on numerous issues involving the shows, including contracts and Jackson's health. He has not yet been questioned by AEG's trial lawyers.

Earlier in the day, Trell revised previous testimony in which he told jurors that tour director Ortega worked on "This Is It" without a contract.

The lawyer said Monday that Ortega worked under an agreement forged through a series of emails but didn't have a signed contract.

On Tuesday, he told jurors he was mistaken, and Ortega did have a contract. The agreement was signed in April and included three pages of legal text and several pages of emails laying out the terms.

Trell said he had been reminded of Ortega's agreement by AEG's trial attorneys.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at


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Tunisia announces 3 cases of coronavirus, 1 death

RABAT, Morocco (AP) ? A 66-year-old Tunisian man has died from the new coronavirus following a visit to Saudi Arabia and two of his adult children were infected with it, the Tunisian Health Ministry reported.

His sons were treated and have since recovered but the rest of the family remains under medical observation, the ministry said in a statement Monday. The World Health Organization confirmed the cases of the children, but said one of them was a daughter who was with her father for part of the trip to Saudi Arabia and Qatar. There was no immediate way to reconcile the differing reports.

The cases are the first for Tunisia and indicate that the virus is slowly trickling out of Saudi Arabia, where more than 30 coronavirus cases have been reported. There have been at least 20 deaths worldwide out of 40 cases.

"These Tunisia cases haven't changed our risk assessment, but they do show the virus is still infecting people," said Gregory Hartl, a spokesman for WHO in Geneva.

The Tunisian fatality, a diabetic, had been complaining of breathing problems since his return from the trip and died in a hospital in the coastal Tunisian city of Monastir. Many previous coronavirus patients have had underlying medical problems, which WHO said might have made them more susceptible to getting infected. There is no specific treatment for the disease, but the agency has issued guidelines for how doctors might treat patients, like providing oxygen therapy and avoiding strong steroids.

The new virus has been compared to SARS, an unusual pneumonia that surfaced in China then erupted into a deadly international outbreak in early 2003. Ultimately, more than 8,000 SARS cases were reported in about 30 countries and over 770 people died from it.

The new coronavirus is most closely related to a bat virus and is part of a family of viruses that cause the common cold and SARS. Experts suspect it may be jumping directly from animals like camels or goats into people, but there isn't enough proof to narrow down a species yet. The virus can cause acute respiratory disease, kidney failure and heart problems.

"We still do not have a good idea of how people are getting infected and that is a major concern," said Hartl.

Last week, WHO said it was worried about "cases that are not part of larger clusters and who do not have a history of animal contact." WHO said those cases suggest the virus may already be spreading in the community.

The Saudi Arabian cities of Mecca and Medina will receive millions of pilgrims from around the world during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which falls in July and August this year.


AP Medical Writer Maria Cheng contributed to this report from London.


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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Viruses and mucus team up to ward off bacteria

Phages may play unforeseen role in immune protection

By Tina Hesman Saey

Web edition: May 20, 2013

The last thing most people would want in their bodies is mucus laden with viruses. But a new study suggests that viruses called bacteriophages, or phages, grab onto mucus and then infect and kill invasive bacteria. The finding, reported May 20 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Forest Rohwer of San Diego State University and colleagues, could mean that some viruses partner with animals and humans to stave off bacterial infections and control the composition of friendly microbes in the body.

Bacteriophages are viruses that break open bacteria, killing them. Researchers have studied bacteriophages for decades, and some disease therapies take advantage of the viruses? bacteria-slaying abilities, says microbiologist Frederic Bushman of the University of Pennsylvania medical school. But the study provides what Bushman says is a revelation that should have been obvious; phage may be a natural part of the immune system. ?It?s new in a way that is sort of common-sensey,? he says.

Previously, researchers thought of mucus mainly as a physical barrier to keep invading organisms from entering the body. The slimy substance made by our noses, intestines and other organs also fights invaders with antimicrobial molecules. ?Some researchers had found bacteriophages stuck in mucus, but they figured that the mucus had stopped or slowed the viruses. No one realized that the viruses are part of the body?s defense, says study coauthor Jeremy Barr, who works in Rohwer?s lab. ?This is a natural use of phage therapy that has probably been around since mucosal surfaces evolved,? Barr says.

Rohwer, who studies corals, had noticed that phages tend to concentrate in mucus. To find out why, the researchers collected mucus from human gums, sea anemones, fish, corals and mouse intestines. Mucus layers had more phages and fewer bacteria than the surrounding environment, suggesting that the viruses helped to limit the number of bacteria allowed into the mucus.

Phages are coated in proteins that latch onto sugars called glycans, anchoring the viruses in the mucus, the team discovered. From there the phages can ambush encroaching bacteria.

So far, the researchers have demonstrated that mucus and phages can work together to protect cells in a dish. The next step, Bushman says, would be determining what happens inside an organism, an experiment the researchers are already planning.


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Monday, May 20, 2013

Tork Daily Reader: Subway to add 3,000 locations worldwide; U.S. ...

jettakeoffSubway to add 3,000 locations in 2013. With more than 2,000 franchisees actively searching for locations, the SUBWAY? sandwich chain has aggressive growth plans for 2013. The Subway franchise system is now the world?s largest restaurant chain, in terms of number of locations. has the story.

Green buildings awe worldwide. We?re excited about Taschen?s ?100 Contemporary Green Buildings,? a survey of eco-friendly architecture at the cutting edge of design and environmental awareness. Gathered from around the globe, the following selection of green buildings range from permanent camping grounds to schools. See the designs on The Huffington Post.

High tourism expected for the summer. The U.S. travel industry is poised for one the strongest summers in history as demand soars and travelers reinvest in their vacation plans, said top travel executives from Best Western International and the U. S. Travel Association. Check out for more.

Your options for takeout orders just doubled. Two leaders in restaurant food delivery, Seamless and GrubHub, announced that they will merge on Monday. Customers from more than 500 cities will be able to order from 20,000 local restaurants through the joint company. For more, visit CNN.





Subway to add 3,000 locations in 2013. With more than 2,000 franchisees actively searching for locations, the SUBWAY? sandwich chain has aggressive growth plans for 2013. The Subway franchise system is now the world?s largest restaurant chain, in terms of number of locations. has the story.

Green buildings awe worldwide. We?re excited about Taschen?s ?100 Contemporary Green Buildings,? a survey of eco-friendly architecture at the cutting edge of design and environmental awareness. Gathered from around the globe, the following selection of green buildings range from permanent camping grounds to schools. See the designs on The Huffington Post.

High tourism expected for the summer. The U.S. travel industry is poised for one the strongest summers in history as demand soars and travelers reinvest in their vacation plans, said top travel executives from Best Western International and the U. S. Travel Association. Check out for more.

Your options for takeout orders just doubled. Two leaders in restaurant food delivery, Seamless and GrubHub, announced that they will merge on Monday. Customers from more than 500 cities will be able to order from 20,000 local restaurants through the joint company. For more, visit CNN.





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G Data InternetSecurity 2014

We're almost five months into 2013, and you know what that means, right? Yes, it's time for the 2014 security product lines to appear! G Data InternetSecurity 2014 is the first security suite I've reviewed that has 2014 in its name, but others will be along soon enough.

At $44.95 for three licenses, G Data costs less than many of its competitors. Even Ad-Aware Pro Security 10.5 costs $48. And G Data comes with a full complement of suite features, adding the antispam and parental control components that Ad-Aware lacks. Some of the components work very well, others aren't quite as impressive.

New Interface
G Data's 2014 product line boasts a brand-new user interface with big, touch-friendly buttons that select among five important pages: SecurityCenter, Virus protection, Firewall, Parental controls, and Autostart Manager. Many security products use a green banner when everything's fine, changing to yellow or red if there's a problem. G Data's window is always red across the top, but icons on the SecurityCenter page change to point out areas needing attention.

G Data AntiVirus 2014 shares a lot with this suite. It has the exact same SecurityCenter, Virus protection, and Autostart Manager pages; it just lacks Firewall and Parental controls.

Mixed Antivirus Protection
Since the antivirus component of this suite has exactly the same capabilities as G Data AntiVirus 2014, I'll simply summarize my findings here. You can get full details in my review of the antivirus.

I hit some snags during G Data's cleanup of my twelve malware-infested test systems. The antivirus scanner mistakenly quarantined some essential Windows files, leaving two of the systems unbootable. Recovery required use of the G Data Boot Medium, a German keyboard layout chart, and a cram course in Linux. Whew!

G Data scored poorly in my malware removal test, with a detection rate of 58 percent and an overall score of 4.3 points, both values the lowest of all products tested using my current malware collection. Kaspersky PURE 3.0 Total Security scored best in this group, with 6.0 points, though Ad-Aware Pro's 83 percent detection rate was highest.

Tested against my previous malware collection, Norton Internet Security (2013), Webroot SecureAnywhere Complete 2013, and Comodo Internet Security Complete 2013 all scored 6.6 points. For details on this test's methodology, see How We Test Malware Removal.

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G Data fared much better in my malware blocking test, detecting 92 percent of the samples and scoring 9.2 points. Only Ad-Aware Pro scored better against the same samples, with 94 percent detection and 9.4 points. Webroot did best among products tested with the previous collection, scoring a near-perfect 9.9 points. For a full explanation of this malware blocking test, see How We Test Malware Blocking.

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When I tried to download the same malware samples again, G Data blocked all access to many at the URL level. It wiped out others during the course of the download process. Its behavior blocker properly left valid PCMag utilities alone while blocking actual malware.

The independent testing labs give G Data's technology good marks overall. It scored especially well in tests by AV-Comparatives, earning ADVANCED+ (the top rating) in two tests and ADVANCED in a third. Note, though, that Bitdefender Internet Security 2013 earned top marks from all of the labs I follow. For more about the labs and the tests they run, see How We Interpret Antivirus Lab Tests

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Money tangle: The IRS and its tea party tempest

WASHINGTON (AP) ? The Internal Revenue Service is feeling the sort of heat that targeted taxpayers feel from the tax agency. It's the sense that a powerful someone is breathing down your neck.

Republicans in Congress are livid with the IRS over its systematic scrutiny of conservative groups during the 2010 and 2012 elections. Democrats agree that something must be done. President Barack Obama also isn't at all happy with the tax collectors.

That kind of commonality in Washington is about as rare as a budget surplus. So expect a bumpy ride for the IRS, unloved in the best of times, as a Justice Department criminal investigation and multiple congressional inquiries try to get to the bottom of it all.

A look at the matter:


The central issue is whether IRS agents who determine whether nonprofit organizations have to pay federal income taxes played political favorites or even broke the law when they subjected tea party groups and other conservative organizations to special scrutiny.

Also foremost in the concerns of Congress: Why senior IRS officials, for many months, did not disclose what they had learned about the actions of lower-level employees despite persistent questions from Republican lawmakers and howls from aggrieved organizations.



The IRS is expected to be pesky, even intimidating, to miscreants, but at all times politically neutral. Nonpartisanship is the coin of its realm, perhaps more so than in any other part of government.

"I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in any agency but especially in the IRS, given the power that it has and the reach that it has into all of our lives," Obama said in ousting the agency's acting chief, Steven T. Miller.

On Thursday, on the eve of House hearings at which Miller has been called to testify, the president named Daniel Werfel, a senior White House budget official, to take charge of the agency temporarily.

IRS actions in the period covering the 2010 congressional elections and the early going of the 2012 presidential campaign have tattered the perception that the agency is clean of political leanings. Whether that was also the reality remains to be discovered.

A report by the Treasury Department's top investigator for tax matters found no evidence that sheer partisanship drove the targeting. But the watchdog disclosed Friday that he is still investigating. His report faulted lax management for not stopping it sooner.

It's a sensitive time for the agency's professionalism to be in doubt because the IRS soon will loom even larger in people's lives. It's to be the enforcer of the individual mandate to carry insurance under Obama's health care law, itself an object of suspicion for many conservatives. To the right, that's insult upon injury from the left.



Any effort from top levels of the administration or political operatives to manipulate the IRS for campaign purposes would put the scandal in the realm of Nixonian skullduggery.

The public record as it is known does not show interference.

No ties to anyone outside the IRS have been discovered. At the same time, early IRS assurances that high-level people inside the agency did not know what was going on have been contradicted by evidence that the head of the agency's tax-exemption operation and later its deputy commissioner were briefed about it and did not tell Congress.



To qualify for exemption from federal income taxes, organizations must show they are not too political in nature to meet the standard. In the cases in question, applications that raised eyebrows were referred to a team of specialists who took a much closer look at a group's operations. That's normal.

But in early 2010, IRS agents in the Determinations Unit began paying special attention to tax-exempt applications from groups associated with the tea party or with certain words or phrases in their materials, according to the IRS inspector general's report. That's not normal.

The red-flag keywords came to include "Patriots," ''Take Back the Country" and "We the People."

That August, agents were given an explicit "be on the lookout" directive for "various local organizations in the Tea Party movement" that are seeking tax-exempt status. Such organizations saw their applications languish except when they were hit with lots of questions, some of which the IRS was not entitled to ask, such as the names of donors.

In June 2011, after the congressional elections, Lois G. Lerner, in charge of overseeing tax-exempt organizations, learned of the flagging and ordered the criteria to be changed right away, the inspector general said. The new guidance was more generic and stripped of any explicit partisan freight. But it did not last.

In January 2012, the screening was modified again, this time to watch for references to the Constitution or Bill of Rights, and for "political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding government."

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are touchstones for liberals, too. But in modern politics, they've been appropriated as rallying cries of conservatives and libertarians. Finally, that May, such flagging ended.

Altogether, specialists reviewed a variety of potentially too-political applications, presumably covering the liberal-conservative spectrum. But fully one-third of the cases were of the tea party-patriot variety. During the height of the flagging, the inspector general says, all applications fitting the conservative-focused criteria went to the specialists while others that should have stirred concern did not.

In short, if you were with the tea party, you were guaranteed a close second look and almost certainly months more of delay. If you were leading a liberal activist group, maybe yes, maybe no.



"Dealing with this was like dealing with tax day every day for 2? years," says Laurence Nordvig, executive director of the Richmond Tea Party in Virginia. "Like your worst audit nightmare."

His group applied for tax-exempt status in December 2009 and finally got it in July 2012.

Tom Zawistowski applied for the tax exemption for his group, the Ohio Liberty Coalition, in June 2010 when the flagging was gathering steam. He got it in December 2012, after the presidential election.

The IRS asked him for the identity of the group's members, times and location of group activities, printouts of its website and Facebook pages, contents of speeches and the names and credentials of speakers at forums. He said the IRS also audited his personal finances and his wife's.

"The intent of this was to hurt the ability of tea party groups to function in an election year," he said.

An Associated Press analysis of 93 "tea party" or "patriot" groups found that most were shoestring operations, with only two dozen raising more than $20,000 a year.



If the IRS merely rolled over and played dead when it got an application for a tax exemption, the government would be even more broke than it is and big money would have an even more pernicious grip on campaigns.

The IRS knows better than most that politically driven organizations, out to elect and defeat candidates, can masquerade as "social welfare" or other charitable entities under the tax-exempting articles of Section 501 (c) of the tax code.

Or they can align themselves with one, allowing unlimited donations to be raised and the identities of the contributors to stay secret as long as the nonprofit entities don't go too far in overt politicking.

In recent years, advocacy groups have paired their nonprofit arms with "super" political action committees, moves that took hold after a series of court rulings ? including the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision ? loosened the rules on money in politics.

The rulings gave rise to such pairings as the American Crossroads super PAC with its Crossroads GPS nonprofit on behalf of Republicans in the 2012 campaign, and the Priorities USA Action super PAC with its own nonprofit arm, for Obama's benefit.

Section 501 (c) (3) can be the most lucrative financially for organizations because in addition to conferring tax-exempt status, it allows donations to qualifying groups to be tax deductible.

Section 501 (c) (4) doesn't permit tax-deductible donations but gives groups more latitude to lobby and to dabble more directly in political campaigns as long as "social welfare" remains their primary mission. They can also keep their donors secret, a big benefit over more blatantly political super PACs.

It's all complex, squishy and in some ways subjective, so it might not come as a shock that the IRS would look for shortcuts such as political buzzwords and slogans when deciding what a group is really up to. But the record as yet known does not show that the scrutiny cut both ways.

In congressional testimony about the discredited IRS actions, Attorney General Eric Holder said there is good reason to take a skeptical look at some Section 501 applications but "it has to be done in a way that does not depend on the political persuasion of the group."



The inspector general's office reviewed 296 tax-exempt applications that had been flagged as potentially too political. Of them, 108 were ultimately approved, 28 were withdrawn by the applicant, none had been rejected and 160 were still open in December 2012, some languishing for more than three years.



Hearing complaints of IRS harassment from constituents, lawmakers began asking a lot of questions of the agency starting in mid-2011. They got a lot of answers ? just not answers revealing what was going on.

In multiple letters, some as long as 45 pages, as well as in meetings and congressional hearings, senior IRS officials laid out in painstaking detail the process of checking tax-exempt applications but did not disclose what they had come to learn of the flagging.

Miller, for example, was told by staff in May 2012 about the inappropriate screening but did not pass that on in communications with inquiring members of Congress or in his appearance two months later with the House panel most concerned about the reports.

Lois G. Lerner, in charge of overseeing tax-exempt organizations at the IRS, was briefed about the screening a year earlier and ordered an end to explicit tea party-type flagging. But she did not tell lawmakers about that when asked about the constituent complaints.



A number of presidents or their operatives have tried to twist the IRS against "dissidents" or political opponents. Presidents Franklin Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and John Kennedy are among them.

President Richard Nixon, though, surely takes the cake here.

The Senate Judiciary Committee cited his IRS manipulations, including his pursuit of those on his "enemies list," in the articles of impeachment accusing the president of high crimes and misdemeanors in the Watergate scandal and of actions "subversive of constitutional government."

Article 2, Abuse of Power, said: "He has, acting personally and through his subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Nixon resigned after it became clear that a Senate impeachment trial would drive him from office.


Associated Press writers Stephen Braun and Stephen Ohlemacher contributed to this report.


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Sunday, May 19, 2013

Powerball jackpot closing in on another record

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) ? A little more than a year after three tickets split a world-record lottery prize, the jackpot for Saturday's Powerball drawing was nearing historic territory.

Should nobody pick the correct six numbers, the prize money will roll over to next week's drawing and almost certainly eclipse the $656 million doled out to winners in Illinois, Kansas and Maryland in the Mega Millions game in March 2012.

But the record could fall Saturday night too if a flurry of last-minute ticket purchases pushes the jackpot much above its current $600 million level. Since the previous drawing on Wednesday, it had grown by at least $236 million.

"If there was no chance, you wouldn't do it," said New Jersey attorney Rubin Sinins, who represented five construction workers who claimed a colleague cheated them out of a share of a multimillion-dollar lottery jackpot.

It seems simple enough: Just correctly pick five white balls out of a drum of 59 and one red one out of a drum of 35.

However, the odds of a single $2 ticket hitting the correct combination are about 1 in 175.2 million. That's slightly less likely than randomly drawing the name of one specific female in the United States: 1 in 157 million, according to the last census.

With such an astronomic payoff available for the lucky ticket holder, some buyers are content to settle for just a share of the winnings.

In Houston, city firefighter John Paetow and a dozen of his colleagues kicked in $10 each for the drawing, as they do occasionally when a the stakes soar into the lottery stratosphere.

"With firemen it's a camaraderie thing," said Paetow, 59. "It just makes sense to pool our money; it buys more tickets, gives us a better chance of winning."

Even if Saturday's drawing doesn't top last year's Mega Millions jackpot, it's already the highest in Powerball history, surpassing that game's $587.5 million record set in November 2012.

A major reason for the sales surge is that last month, Powerball landed the nation's most populous state as California joined 42 others that offer the game. California lottery director Robert O'Neill said the state had brought "sunshine and good fortune" to Powerball.

The Multi-State Lottery Association conducts the drawing live Saturday night from Tallahassee, Fla. The balls are weighed and X-rayed, and there are practice runs before the official televised version.


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Last-minute fortune seekers buy Powerball tickets

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) ? It's all about the odds.

With four out of every five possible combinations of Powerball numbers in play, someone is almost sure to win the game's highest jackpot, a windfall of hundreds of millions of dollars ? and that's after taxes.

The problem, of course, is those same odds just about guarantee the lucky person won't be you.

Lottery officials said Saturday night that the latest Powerball jackpot figure results are still pending. Estimates have put the jackpot at around $600 million.

The chances of winning the prize remain astronomically low: 1 in 175.2 million. That's how many different ways you can combine the numbers when you play. But lottery officials estimate about 80 percent of those possible combinations have been purchased.

The winning numbers drawn Saturday night were: 10, 13, 14, 22 and 52, with a Powerball of 11. Officials conducted the drawing live from Tallahassee, Fla.

"This would be the roll to get in on," Iowa Lottery CEO Terry Rich said earlier Saturday. "Of course there's no guarantee, and that's the randomness of it, and the fun of it."

That didn't deter people across Powerball-playing states ? 43 plus Washington, D.C., and the U.S. Virgin Islands ? from lining up at gas stations and convenience stores Saturday for their chance at striking it filthy rich.

At a mini market in the heart of Los Angeles' Chinatown, employees broke the steady stream of customers into two lines: One for Powerball ticket buyers and one for everybody else. Some people appeared to be looking for a little karma.

"We've had two winners over $10 million here over the years, so people in the neighborhood think this is the lucky store," employee Gordon Chan said as he replenished a stack of lottery tickets on a counter.

Workers at one suburban Columbia, S.C., convenience store were so busy with ticket buyers that they hadn't updated their sign with the current jackpot figure, which was released Friday. Customer Armous Peterson was reluctant to share his system for playing the Powerball. The 56-year-old was well aware of the long odds, but he also knows the mantra of just about every person buying tickets.

"Somebody is going to win," he said. "Lots of people are going to lose, too. But if you buy a ticket, that winner might be you."

The latest jackpot was expected to be the world's second largest overall, behind a $656 million Mega Millions jackpot in March 2012. If $600 million, the jackpot would currently include a $376.9 million cash option.

Charles Hill of Dallas said he buys lottery tickets every day. And he knows exactly what he'd do if he wins.

"What would I do with my money? I'd run and hide," he said. "I wouldn't want none of my kinfolks to find me."

Clyde Barrow, a public policy professor at the University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, specializes in the gaming industry. He said one of the key factors behind the ticket-buying frenzy is the size of the jackpot ? people are interested in the easy investment.

"Even though the odds are very low, the investment is very small," he said. "Two dollars gets you a chance."

That may be why Ed McCuen has a Powerball habit that's as regular as clockwork. The 57-year-old electrical contractor from Savannah, Ga., buys one ticket a week, regardless of the possible loot. It's a habit he didn't alter Saturday.

"You've got one shot in a gazillion or whatever," McCuen said, tucking his ticket in his pocket as he left a local convenience store. "You can't win unless you buy a ticket. But whether you buy one or 10 or 20, it's insignificant."

Seema Sharma doesn't seem to think so. The newsstand employee in Manhattan's Penn Station purchased $80 worth of tickets for herself. She also was selling tickets all morning at a steady pace, instructing buyers where to stand if they wanted machine-picked tickets or to choose their own numbers.

"I work very hard ? too hard ? and I want to get the money so I can finally relax," she said. "You never know."


Associated Press writers Jeffrey Collins in Columbia, S.C., Betsy Blaney in Lubbock, Texas, Russ Bynum in Savannah, Ga., John Rogers in Los Angeles and Verena Dobnick in New York contributed to this report.


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Netanyahu: Israel will take action to prevent Syrian 'weapons leakage' to Hezbollah

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated Israel would prevent the movement of weapons from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime to Hezbollah militants in Lebanon. He made no mention of past or future air strikes.

By Jeffrey Heller,?Reuters / May 19, 2013

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, (l.), speaks as he sits next to Cabinet Secretary Avichai Mandelblit during a weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Israel, Sunday.

Ronen Zvulun/AP


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held out the prospect on Sunday of further Israeli strikes inside?Syria, pledging to act to prevent advanced weapons from reaching Hezbollah and other militant groups.

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Although?Israel?has not publicly taken sides in the civil war between Syrian President?Bashar al-Assad?and rebels trying to topple him, Western and Israeli sources say it has launched air strikes in?Syria?to destroy weapons it believed were destined for?Lebanon's Hezbollah.

In public remarks at the weekly meeting of his cabinet, Netanyahu made no direct mention of those attacks, but said?Israel?was prepared to take action in the future and was "preparing for every scenario" in the Syrian conflict.

Israel?had a policy "to prevent, as much as possible, the leakage of advanced weapons to Hezbollah and terror elements," he said.?"We will act to ensure the security interest of?Israel's citizens in the future as well."

Tzipi Livni, a member of?Netanyahu's security cabinet?and a former foreign minister, said: "I don't think there is anyone in?Israel?eager to take action" in?Syria, hinting at concerns that any strike could provoke a wider conflict.

In an interview with?Israel's?Army Radio, Livni also said Israeli politicians ought to avoid taking sides.

"Israel?isn't popular in?Syria. Therefore any such statement could only be used as ammunition by one of the sides to try and divert the debate or the violence toward?Israel?and that's the last thing we need," Livni said.

Israel?has neither confirmed nor denied reports that it attacked Iranian-supplied missiles stored near?Damascusthis month that it believed were awaiting delivery to Hezbollah, which fought a war with?Israel?in 2006 and is allied with Assad.


A Russian shipment of Yakhont anti-ship missiles to?Syria?was condemned by the?United States?on Friday, andIsrael?is also alarmed by the prospect of?Moscow?supplying S-300 advanced air defence missile systems toDamascus.

Netanyahu held talks in?Russia?on Tuesday with President?Vladimir Putin?on the Syrian crisis but gave no public indication whether?Israel's concerns over the Russian weaponry had been eased.

Amos Gilad, a senior?Israeli Defence Ministry?official, said on Saturday the S-300 and the Yakhont, weapons that could complicate any plans for foreign military intervention in?Syria, would likely end up with Hezbollah and threaten both?Israel?and U.S. forces in the Gulf.

"Yakhont is a cruise missile that can hit targets at sea and strategic targets. (It is) a supersonic missile, (with) a range of 300 km, very sophisticated," Gilad said on?Israel's Channel Two television on Saturday.

"The Russians sent it to?Syria, beside the strategic defence system called the S-300. There are a number of versions, and they are sending them one of the good versions," he said.

General?Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Friday?Russia's delivery of anti-ship missiles to Assad was "ill-timed and very unfortunate" and risked prolonging a war that has already killed more than 80,000 Syrians.

A spokesman for Putin, while not responding directly to assertions?Russia?had sent the anti-ship missiles, saidMoscow?would honour contracts to supply?Syria, a long-time weapons customer.

Additional reporting by Allyn Fisher-Ilan


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Police call fatal NYC shooting a hate crime

NEW YORK (AP) ? Police say a gunman used anti-gay slurs before fatally shooting a 32-year-old man in New York City's Greenwich (GREN'-ich) Village.

Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Saturday that the shooting, which occurred just after midnight, appears to have been a hate crime.

Kelly says the gunman was seen urinating on the street outside a bar, then made anti-gay remarks to the bartender and showed him that he was wearing a holster with a silver pistol.

The commissioner says the gunman then confronted the victim and a companion on the street and asked if they were "gay wrestlers."

Kelly says the man shot the victim in the face. He was pronounced dead at a hospital.

Police identified him as Harlem resident Marc Carson. The name of the suspect was not immediately released.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

BlackBerry comeback underway on home turf

BlackBerry Market Share Canada Q1 2013

On the global stage, BlackBerry is still hurting ? for the first time ever, Microsoft?s Windows Phone market share topped BlackBerry in the first quarter this year?to take the No.3 spot in the smartphone platform war. We?re still very early on in BlackBerry?s comeback attempt though, and progress is being made in some key markets.?Raymond James analyst Tavis McCourt points to BlackBerry?s home turf in Canada as one of the markets where the vendor has seen good early response to its new BlackBerry Z10 and Q10 smartphones, and BlackBerry?s progress thus far has been impressive according to his figures.

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In a recent research note, McCourt says that BlackBerry?s share of the smartphone market fell to an?embarrassing?6% in Canada to close out the fourth quarter last year. With just one new smartphone (Z10) available?for less than 2 months, however, BlackBerry?s Canadian market share more than doubled to 13.5% in the first quarter of 2013.

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And according to McCourt, this is only the beginning.

?I think the Q10 will see much better demand than the Z10, as I have to believe the primary reason users are still on BlackBerry is for the physical keyboard,? McCourt told AllThingsD. ?That being said, a lot of that demand may get stretched out over a few quarters, as it will take time for enterprises to adopt BlackBerry Enterprise Service 10, which is needed to support the Q10.?

According to the analyst, Apple held 40% of the smartphone market in Q1 2013, down sequentially from 44%, while Samsung?s share slid to 30% and LG stayed flat at 9%. The remaining crumbs were split between Nokia, Motorola and a few smaller brands.

This article was originally published on


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(updates with quotes, details, adds byline) * Chest infection worsens, forcing Wiggins to withdraw * Defending champion Hesjedal also out * Italy's Nibali leads as Uran takes over as Team Sky leader By Alasdair Fotheringham BUSSETO, Italy, May 17 (Reuters) - This year's Giro d'Italia claimed two major victims when pre-race favourite Bradley Wiggins and defending champion Ryder Hesjedal withdrew prior to Friday's 13th stage, the pair citing illness as the reason for abandoning the tour. ...


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Friday, May 17, 2013

The Hamster Discusses Business Ethics!

Study: In business, women value ethics more than men

(CNN) -- Women are less ready to compromise their ethics in pursuit of success at work, a recent study has suggested.
A study done by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School suggests that women are less willing to sacrifice ethical values for money and social status, and that women associate business with immorality more strongly.

These concerns may explain why MBA programs and the executive level within companies have a heavy gender imbalance. And if matters of ethics are creating a gender gap within business organizations, it is just another reason for companies to do business ethically.

"Doing well and doing good might not always go hand in hand, but I think here is an interesting case where businesses can retain talented women by acting more ethically," says Jessica Kennedy, the paper's lead researcher and a post-doctoral fellow in legal studies and business ethics at Wharton.

There were three studies in the paper. In the most significant study, the researchers created job descriptions that included details like job responsibilities and salary, and asked subjects how interested they were in the jobs.
Some of these imaginary descriptions included an ethical factor: there was a conflict between acting ethically and doing well at the job and employees were expected to prioritize money and social status.

Only under the condition where ethics came into play did women, on average, show less interest in the job. "They were more likely to say, 'I would have to sacrifice my values to do well in this job, I would struggle with the things that I'm asked to do,'" Kennedy said.

For women who are looking to advance in their careers, Kennedy says that it would help for those who value ethics highly to figure out the ethos of an organization.

Kennedy says that after seeing the studies' results, other people have enthusiastically agreed that her findings about gender resonate with their real-world experience.

However, prior to the study, she says, there was a general silence about the topic and had not heard anyone explicitly say women value ethics more than men.

"The explanation that I've come up with for that is that ethics are kind of taboo in organizations," she says. "I think maybe that's why no one is willing to say, 'I have ethical reservations about this,' because it seems like a very serious accusation that no one wants to make toward their organization."

But Kennedy stops short of saying the study implies that women behave more ethically than men.

"It's not that they're more ethical, it's that their job interest is more affected, and so maybe men feel similarly," Kennedy says. "They may have moral reservations, but they're taught to suppress them so they don't report them, they kind of override them more, and it's questionable whether this translates directly into ethical behavior."

While perhaps it is unclear whether women are more ethical, there are other behavioral and attitudinal differences between genders that can affect career advancement, too.

Whitney Johnson, the president of Rose Park Advisors, an investment firm, who has written about gender in the workplace, brings up that from the outset women are often expected to be more "giving" and "nice" (in negotiations, for example), which can hinder their careers.

She points outs that there are differences in how men and women are expected to behave in work relationships, with women being presumed to reciprocate helpfulness, while men are not.

Johnson has also observed business situations in which women and men have different views of what they owe to companies.

"In my experience, it is more common for a woman who has started a business and taken equity capital to feel like she needs to repay, when she doesn't, because it was equity -- which is the view most men take," she says.

Even though women may be short-changed in the workplace because of these ingrained beliefs and behaviors, Johnson sees these characteristics of women as desirable for creating higher ethical standards.

"It is the very need of ethics that is driving many of us to talk about bringing the 'feminine' relational characteristics to the masculine 'wield power' characteristics of the workplace," she says.

Women more turned off by ethical compromises at work -

- I think we just found a new source of green energy. The amount of spinning that hamster wheel is doing could power a small country.


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Apple Patent Would Turn Your Friend's iPhones Into a Lighting Kit

If you've ever been on the set of a professional photography shoot, you'll notice the photographer doesn't just rely on a single camera-mounted flash. Instead, they use a series of strategically positioned flashes, all tethered together so they function as one, to precisely control where and how much light is hitting the subject. And that approach is very similar to a patent Apple originally filed back in 2011 that could dramatically improve your iPhone's photography prowess.

But instead of wirelessly connecting the phone to a series of dedicated external flashes, the patent actually sees the iPhone connecting and controlling the flashes on other nearby iPhones. So not only would it increase the amount of light available to an iPhone photographer depending on how many other phones are around, but it could also let them get more creative with their shots.

A method for capturing an image with an image capture device, such as a camera or mobile electronic device. The method includes initiating a master-slave relationship between the image capture device and at least one secondary device. Once the master-slave relationship is initiated, remotely activating one of an at least one light source of the at least one secondary device.

The patent goes one step further describing tools that automatically analyze the lighting in a sample shot, and then tweaking the intensity or timing of the flashes on the other iPhones to improve the photos. It even suggests a method of passing along instructions to people holding the other iPhones as to where they should move or stand to improve the overall lighting.

Of course, the patent doesn't necessarily mean we'll be seeing this technology included on the next iPhone?or any iPhones down the line for that matter. As with most patents it's most likely a move by Apple to control another technology or feature?whether they intend to implement it themselves one day, or go to court when another company tries to. [US Patent & Trademark Office via AppleInsider]


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Cancer survivors battle with the blues

Cancer survivors battle with the blues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-May-2013
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Contact: Joan Robinson

Depressive symptoms are linked to early death in cancer survivors

Depressed cancer survivors are twice as likely to die prematurely than those who do not suffer from depression, irrespective of the cancer site. That's according to a new study, by Floortje Mols and colleagues, from Tilburg University in The Netherlands. Their work is published online in Springer's Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

The prevalence of cancer is rising, as are the number of individuals who are cured of their cancer or are living with it as a chronic disease. This is partly due to the aging of the population and more effective treatments. As a result, many of these survivors face continuing problems due to cancer and its treatment, including a high prevalence of depression.

Mols and team examined whether depressive symptoms observed between one and ten years after cancer diagnosis were linked to an increased risk of premature death two to three years later. Their work focused on survivors of endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, where little work looking at this potential link has been done to date.

They analyzed data collected from several large population-based surveys in 2008 and 2009. A total of 3,080 cancer survivors completed questionnaires to identify symptoms of depression.

The authors found that depressive symptoms increased the risk of death: clinically high levels of depressive symptoms were more common in those who died than in those who survived. Overall, after controlling for treatment, type of cancer, co-morbidity, and metastasis, one-to-ten-year cancer survivors with depression were twice as likely to have died early.

The researchers conclude: "Paying attention to the recognition and treatment of depressive symptoms in this patient group is key. The next step is to investigate the possible mechanisms that might explain the association between depressive symptoms and death from cancer. We also need to better understand whether treatments for depressive symptoms in cancer patients have life-prolonging effects."



Mols, F. et al. (2013), Depressive symptoms are a risk factor for all-cause mortality: results from a prospective population-based study among 3,080 cancer survivors from the PROFILES registry, Journal of Cancer Survivorship. DOI 10.1007/s11764-013-0286-6

The full-text article is available to journalists on request.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Cancer survivors battle with the blues [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 16-May-2013
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Contact: Joan Robinson

Depressive symptoms are linked to early death in cancer survivors

Depressed cancer survivors are twice as likely to die prematurely than those who do not suffer from depression, irrespective of the cancer site. That's according to a new study, by Floortje Mols and colleagues, from Tilburg University in The Netherlands. Their work is published online in Springer's Journal of Cancer Survivorship.

The prevalence of cancer is rising, as are the number of individuals who are cured of their cancer or are living with it as a chronic disease. This is partly due to the aging of the population and more effective treatments. As a result, many of these survivors face continuing problems due to cancer and its treatment, including a high prevalence of depression.

Mols and team examined whether depressive symptoms observed between one and ten years after cancer diagnosis were linked to an increased risk of premature death two to three years later. Their work focused on survivors of endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, where little work looking at this potential link has been done to date.

They analyzed data collected from several large population-based surveys in 2008 and 2009. A total of 3,080 cancer survivors completed questionnaires to identify symptoms of depression.

The authors found that depressive symptoms increased the risk of death: clinically high levels of depressive symptoms were more common in those who died than in those who survived. Overall, after controlling for treatment, type of cancer, co-morbidity, and metastasis, one-to-ten-year cancer survivors with depression were twice as likely to have died early.

The researchers conclude: "Paying attention to the recognition and treatment of depressive symptoms in this patient group is key. The next step is to investigate the possible mechanisms that might explain the association between depressive symptoms and death from cancer. We also need to better understand whether treatments for depressive symptoms in cancer patients have life-prolonging effects."



Mols, F. et al. (2013), Depressive symptoms are a risk factor for all-cause mortality: results from a prospective population-based study among 3,080 cancer survivors from the PROFILES registry, Journal of Cancer Survivorship. DOI 10.1007/s11764-013-0286-6

The full-text article is available to journalists on request.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Ex-EMT in Texas pleads not guilty to charges

WACO, Texas (AP) ? A first responder who helped evacuate people ahead of a deadly explosion at a Texas fertilizer plant pleaded not guilty Wednesday to a charge he possessed bomb-making materials.

Bryce Reed was arrested last week and indicted Tuesday on a charge of possessing an unregistered firearm. Authorities have not announced any link between Reed and the April 17 blast in West, Texas, which killed 14 people.

Federal investigators allege Reed had materials for a pipe bomb that he gave to someone else. An agent from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives wrote in a court filing that other investigators told him Reed admitted to having the bomb parts.

Reed's attorney, Jonathan Sibley, said that he agreed with prosecutors to postpone a previously scheduled detention hearing, but would not comment on why. Reed remains in custody.

"We dispute the allegations against him," Sibley told reporters outside the federal courthouse in Waco, about 15 miles south of West.

He also called on federal authorities either to present evidence connecting Reed to the explosion or to say he wasn't connected. The McLennan County Sheriff's Office said Friday that no evidence suggesting a link has been found so far.

"If they have something, let's hear it," Sibley said. "If they don't, let's hear it."

ATF and the Texas State Fire Marshal's Office are scheduled to release findings of their month-long investigation Thursday afternoon.

"The investigation is ongoing and it would be premature to speculate at this time," ATF spokeswoman Franceska Perot said Wednesday.

Reed's trial was scheduled to begin July 15.

Reed became a well-known media figure after the explosion, talking at length about his relationship with Cyrus Reed, a first responder killed in the blast. Although the two weren't related, Bryce Reed frequently referred to Cyrus as his "brother" during interviews and an emotional video played during the memorial for dead first responders at Baylor University.

"My brother and all those who lay with him are heroes now and forever," Bryce Reed said.

However, Cyrus Reed's family members have since said they believe that Bryce Reed wasn't as close to Cyrus as he let on and may have been using the similarity in their names to increase his public profile.

In brief comments to The Associated Press on Tuesday, Cyrus Reed's mother, Lucy Reed, said the family met Bryce for the first time at the April 25 memorial.

"No comment except Bryce is not my son," she said.

Although Reed portrayed himself as a West EMT in the Baylor video and other public appearances after the explosion, he was in fact dismissed two days after the blast, records show.

Questions also have arisen about Bryce Reed's academic credentials and work history.

At least two of the educational institutions listed by Reed on his LinkedIn profile page ? the University of Phoenix and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center ? say they have no records of him being enrolled.

In an email to the Texas Department of State Health Services last Friday, Christine Reeves of the Heart of Texas Regional Advisory Council wrote that the West EMS administrator, Tom Marek, "asked that I contact you guys that Bryce Reed does not volunteer for West EMS" and was "let go" on April 19.

Marek declined to comment Wednesday. Reeves told the AP she wasn't informed of a reason for the dismissal.

Reed has been a licensed EMT since 2005 and has worked for at least one other agency, an air ambulance service, state records show. No complaints have been lodged against him, and no disciplinary action has been taken, the records show.

Carrie Williams, the spokeswoman for the Texas Department of State Health Services, said the agency initiated an investigation into Reed's license as a result of his arrest. Such investigations are standard procedure when the department learns that an EMT is charged with a felony, she said.


Robbins reported from Dallas.


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